Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Discounts at the OSRG booth.

Our first discount offer at the OSRG booth! This is from Lamentations of the Flame Princess. James Raggi said at his blog....
I have arranged it so that Pembrooktonshire Gardening Society membership cards will be accepted at the OSRG Gen Con booth and at the North Texas RPG Convention for LotFP releases only.
So if you're a member of the Pembrooktonshire Gardening Society, your membership will be honored at the OSRG booth at Gen Con 2011.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Booth Number Undetermined

Just a heads up to let everyone know that our booth number is still undetermined by Gen Con. As soon as we hear from them, we'll let everyone know as well as provide a link to the convention center dealer's hall map. This year the dealer's hall is going to be in one of the newly constructed areas so everything is going to be a different place.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Expeditious Retreat Press GM support at Gen Con

Heya all, here's some information from Expeditious Retreat Press concerning Gen Con 2011 and the OSRG booth.

Expeditious Retreat Press is looking for more tourney judges at our 1e Gen Con tourney this year featuring the Advanced Adventure The Obsidian Sands of Syncrates. We've got two GMs so far, but I'd love to have more, as there always seems to be more players wanting to play 1e at Gen Con than we've got GMs. Our tourney GMs get a free signed copy of the tourney adventure along with an additional free copy of an Advanced Adventure of their choice that they can pick up from the Old School Renaissance Group booth.

Additionally, here's a deal if you're interested in running any other of our Advanced Adventures at Gen Con 2011. Let me know which Advanced Adventure your running and I'll send you a free PDF copy of that Advanced Adventure and we'll also give you a signed copy of the Gen Con 2011 tourney adventure, The Obsidian Sands of Syncrates when you drop by the Old School Renaissance Group booth at Gen Con.

So please contact me at josephbrowning@gmail.com and we'll get more old-school gaming going on at this years Gen Con.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

We're Gen Con Bound!

The Old School Renaissance Group will have a booth at Gen Con Indy 2011! We'll be featuring Old-School products from at least 9 OSR companies; Black Blade Publishing, Brave Halfling Publishing, Expeditious Retreat Press, Frog God Games, Goblinoid Games, Henchman Abuse, Pacesetter Games & Simulations, Sine Nomine Publishing, and all the way from Finland,  Lamentations of the Flame Princess. Check out the links on the left termed "Who To Blame" for individual information. Suzi and I will be running the booth at the convention. The Old-School Renaissance Group has arrived to help the OSR be a force at Gen Con this year and I'm tremendously excited by this development.

Hopefully the booth will act as the hub for the OSR community at Gen Con. I'd like to have a "master list" of all the Old-School gaming going on at the convention at the booth to help direct people towards those games.

I also want to let the entire OSR community know that the booth is open to everyone's products as long as we have space. That means if you've published an OSR product you can have your product for sale at Gen Con 2011 with all of the other awesome OSR products already committed to the booth. Much of the strength of the OSR comes from individuals and we want to have the community there in as great a capacity as possible.

So if you're interested in joining the OSRG and having products at our booth, contact me at josephbrowning@gmail.com for the details.


Welcome to the new blog! We're glad to be here and there will be more information in the near future.

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